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2 个结果
  • 简介:摘要目的起源于面神经管的脑脊液漏被认为是由于蛛网膜下腔沿面神经颞骨内段向膝状神经节或更远端区域异常延伸所致,但其病因尚不明确。尽管该病是颞骨脑脊液漏的一种罕见病因,但由于存在脑膜炎反复发作的风险、脑脊液漏的解剖位置难以确定以及与手术修补困难,临床上仍可出现严重的后果。本文报道了3例面神经管膝状窝蛛网膜囊肿伴或不伴脑脊液漏的临床病例,并从1组人颞骨标本中发现了这种罕见临床现象的组织病理学联系。儿童与成人患者的脑脊液漏表现出不同的病理生理机制。颞骨组织学显示蛛网膜下腔在面神经管异常延伸,这可能是蛛网膜囊肿形成和膝状窝区出现脑脊液漏的原因。

  • 标签:
  • 简介:AbstractCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistulae originating from the fallopian canal of the facial nerve is hypothesized to arise due to atypical patterns of subarachnoid space extension into the geniculate ganglion or more distal regions along the intratemporal course of the facial nerve, but its pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Although a rare etiology of CSF fistulae of the temporal bone, there are significant clinical ramifications due to the risk of recurrent meningitis, difficulty in identifying the anatomic location of the CSF leak, and technical challenges associated with surgical repair. We present three clinical cases of arachnoid cysts within the geniculate fossa with or without CSF fistulization and provide histopathologic correlates of this rare clinical phenomenon from a human temporal bone collection. The pediatric and adult patients presented suggest differential pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with CSF fistulae. Temporal bone histology reveals atypical patterns of subarachnoid space extension in the fallopian canal that may underlie arachnoid cyst formation and overt CSF leak from the geniculate region.

  • 标签: Geniculate ganglion Arachnoid cyst Fallopian canal Facial nerve Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea Cerebrospinal fluid leak Subarachnoid space