/ 25
500 个结果
  • 简介:一个小男孩在孤儿院里长大,常常被人欺负,却依然保持着善良的本性,他就是《孤儿》这本书的主人公奥利弗。他几次逃跑,最后流浪到了英国伦敦,正在好奇地东张西望,却被坏人盯上了……他最后能不能过上幸福的生活呢?这你就要问一下作者——狄更斯先生了。其实我更好奇,他是怎么写出这么多栩栩如生的人物的呢?

  • 标签: 雾都孤儿 奥利弗 对我说 蒙克 就这样 可真
  • 简介:读了英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯1838年问世的《孤儿》,感触颇深,本部作品描写了维多利亚时代伦敦社会底层的“小人物”的生活遭遇.以奥利弗的不幸遭遇为主线,刻画了一连串的人物,狄更斯通过对这些人物生动地描写,剖析了处于社会底层各种善良与邪恶人物的生活现状,并且成功地塑造了南希这一亦善亦恶的人物形象.作品触及英国资本主义社会的各个阴暗角落.

  • 标签: 查尔斯·狄更斯 《雾都孤儿》 读后感
  • 简介:Dickens is such a great one who is characterized Creating coincidences is one of Dickens’artistic styles -combination of romanticism and realism life is not utterly hopeless. Dickens chose to convey this message through coincidences in the book. Oliver is born of a dying mother in a parish workhouse and then sent to an infant farm,exaggerated by the artist Dickens. As a result,Charles Dickens.Shanghai

  • 标签: 孤儿情节 情节巧合 雾都孤儿
  • 简介:孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯的代表作之一。个性化的语言是这部作品在人物塑造上运用得十分出色的一种手法。书中的流氓、盗贼、娼妓的语言切合其身份,甚至还用了行业黑话。然而,狄更斯绝不是在做自然主义的再现,而是进行加工、提炼和选择,避免使用污秽、下流的话语。主人公奥立弗作为一个在济贫院长大的孤儿,从未受过良好的教育,所接触的也大都是罪恶累累、堕落不堪之辈,却谈吐文雅,甚至不知偷窃为何物。这用“人是一切社会关系的总和”的历史唯物主义观点是无法解释的。可见,在语言上,狄更斯着力表现的是自己的道德理想,而不追求完全的逼真。

  • 标签: 《雾都孤儿》 语言艺术 历史唯物主义观点 狄更斯 英国作家 人物塑造
  • 简介:Oliver Twist by Dickens is characterized by a few coincidences especially happy encounters,saw faintly a streak of light in the dark. Meanwhile he warned his readers of the dangers of degeneration. So the coincidences that Oliver happens to meet his late father’s good friend Mr. Brownlow and his mother’s elder sister Mrs. Maylie have the implications of Charles Dickens’radical ideas -being optimistic,Coincidences embody Dickens’radical ideas Dickens wrote Oliver Twist at the age of 25

  • 标签: 孤儿情节 情节巧合 雾都孤儿
  • 简介:每个人需要在世界上坚守无论在冰天雪地里还是在世外桃源中阅读狄更斯是一种伟大,因为他作品的力量足以让你动容;阅读狄更斯是一种幸福,因为他为我们留下了许多关于孩子的书籍,比如《孤儿》和《远大前程》;阅读狄更斯需要一种攀登险峰的勇气,因为他的一本本厚厚的著作让读者望而生畏……

  • 标签: 小学生 语文学习 阅读知识 课外阅读
  • 简介:摘要:在英国著名现实主义小说《孤儿》中,狄更斯笔下南希的形象和人物性格特征得到了淋漓尽致地刻画。南希的生活环境和自身遭遇严重地扭曲了她的人物性格并将其置于善于恶的矛盾对立面。本文基于南希的人物性格及其所受遭遇,结合当时的社会时代背景,对小说中南希的人物形象进行阐述分析来进一步探究造就南希悲惨命运的原因。

  • 标签: 《雾都孤儿》 南希 人物形象 悲惨命运
  • 简介:readers have a strong sense that artists. Dickens is such a great one who is characterized Creating coincidences is one of Dickens’artistic styles -combination of romanticism and realism life is not utterly hopeless. Dickens chose to convey this message through coincidences in the book. Oliver is born of a dying mother in a parish workhouse and then sent to an infant farm,exaggerated by the artist Dickens. As a result,Charles Dickens.Shanghai

  • 标签: 孤儿情节 情节巧合 雾都孤儿
  • 简介:it was the first time that Dickens led readers into a very sad world. The description of the criminal slums of London that little Oliver lived brought Dickens a new class of serious readers interested in social reform. People started to think about social reasons for all of those criminal phenomena. And in this novel,he could not look back upon it without tears in his eyes. Maybe it was the main reason that why he took much more attention to common people’s lives and their feelings.3、Oliver Twist’s influence and literary valueOliver Twist was one of the most important social novels in Dickens’ early works. Also,it was the first time that many small potatoes appeared in English literature. Dickens carried the good t radiations of realism novels since 18th century of England and also developed it . He created his unique technique and formed his own style. Dickens’ works axe very important in English literary history. They established the base of critical realism and had effect upon the development of the whole European realism novels. Oliver Twist was Charles Dickens’ first authentic novel and also was the first time that he led readers into a real but terrible life of underworld. This novel was a vivid picture and Charles Dickens was an excellent realist .参考文献[1]王佐良. 英国文学史[M] . 北京

  • 标签: 孤儿查尔斯·狄更斯 雾都孤儿
  • 简介:they gave at ruthful picture of capitalist England of the time. They followed the fine tradition of their great literary predecessors of 18a century realism and early 19th century romanticism. They showed their warm sympathy on those people who suffered a lot .The greatest of the critical realist s was Charles Dickens. In his early years,they could establish a new one.These critical realist s of the mid - 19ta century were all honest people and real artist s in spite of their limitations in their general point of view on life. By exposing the social injustice and the vices of the upper class,1、Charles DickensMid 19th century of England between those conservative poet s and prose - writers there were a number of novelist s. They had a world of sympathy for the miseries and a strong feeling for lathe poor la2 boring masses. They cried Flout loud against social injustice but they also did not approve of violence to fight the social wrong. They had been known as critical realist s in the sense that they were strongly critical of the social reality of their time but they had never thought of overthrowing the existing social order that in this way

  • 标签: 孤儿查尔斯·狄更斯 雾都孤儿
  • 简介:孤儿》整部作品最大的成功是利用幽默艺术塑造不同的人物,作者利用自然幽默、夸张幽默和犀利幽默塑造了一部经典文学作品,给读者无限的魅力与震撼。本文通过探索《孤儿》中的幽默艺术,分析在幽默艺术在文学作品中的主要运用方式,正确运用幽默艺术对文学作品的提升起到的重要作用。

  • 标签: 雾都孤儿 幽默艺术 分析鉴赏 文学作品
  • 简介:Oliver Twist by Dickens is characterized by a few coincidences especially happy encounters,Coincidences embody Dickens’radical ideas Dickens wrote Oliver Twist at the age of 25,it was not easy for Dickens to produce such a compact and well -organized novel with a very complicated plot and vivid portraits of characters. His accomplishment proved that his plot of a story was ingeniously conceived and well -done.

  • 标签: 孤儿情节 情节巧合 雾都孤儿
  • 简介:本文主要概述狄更斯小说《孤儿》的相关背景,并集中介绍该小说中主人公的整个人生和情感经历,便于让读者理解主人公种种行为的根源。然后详细介绍《孤儿》的社会意义。从教育角度考虑,这是因为社会不重视孤儿,导致他们缺失应有的教育,最终不得不苦苦挣扎;从道德角度考虑,是因为社会中人们善良本性缺乏;从文化角度考虑,是源于当时英国社会的腐朽思想。作者真正的目的是通过深刻的内涵揭示,让社会中的人关注这部分弱势群体,给予

  • 标签: 孤儿社会 意义探析 社会意义
  • 简介:摘要: 为了研究《孤儿》的内在涵义,作者对《孤儿》的英文文本进行语料库分析,包括统计分析、词频分析和词汇聚类分析。

  • 标签: 语料分析 雾都孤儿 词频分析
  • 简介:文学图式理论对于文学作品阅读和理解的作用举足轻重。本研究以狄更斯的早期代表作《孤儿》为语料,以孤儿奥利弗为对象,基于文学图示运作模式,对奥利弗孤儿形象进行阐析。研究发现,奥利弗孤儿形象具体体现为三种基本文学图式,即图示增长—灾连祸接、图示调整—祸福相依、图示重构—灾过福存。本研究从认知诗学的角度,为奥利弗孤儿形象的研究提供了可借鉴的参考。

  • 标签: 《雾都孤儿》 奥利弗 孤儿形象 文学图示理论
  • 简介:本文从批判现实主义的思想特征出发,解读狄更斯的长篇小说《孤儿》。从小说中人性的矛盾,乐观主义的矛盾凸显以及不同阶级之间的矛盾这三个方面入手,深入地探讨了这部小说中所体现的双重矛盾性以及人道主义。

  • 标签: 乐观主义 双重矛盾性 阶级矛盾
  • 作者: 佚名
  • 学科: 文学
  • 创建时间:2019-11-27
  • 简介:本文拟就狄更斯在《孤儿》中对犹太人费金的刻画、描写,就不难理解狄更斯在小说中把费金说成是,狄更斯在描写、刻画费金这个犹太人物时

  • 标签: 中狄更斯 反犹主义倾向 孤儿中
  • 简介:摘要《孤儿》是狄更斯在19世纪创作的长篇小说,在小说中通过对孤儿奥利弗的悲惨遭遇映射了当时社会的黑暗和无奈。整篇小说采用了诙谐幽默的描写手段,将现实的残酷与小说的虚幻浪漫结合在一起,表述了当时人们生活的现状,以及底层人们的心酸。作者狄更斯通过愉快的词语阐述了一个悲惨人物的生活,但是整篇小说却显得非常的幽默和轻松。

  • 标签: 雾都孤儿 语言描写 语言技巧