Reviews on the principle of effective nationality

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摘要 no state is under obligation to recognize a nationality granted not meeting the requirements of it. In the Nottebohm case,the rules relating to the acquisition of its nationality. It is sometimes asserted that there must be a genuine and effective link between an individual and a state in order to establish a nationality which must be accepted by other states. It is doubtful,International Court of Justice first enunciated this principle and denied Liechtenstein the right to protect Nottebohm.III. Nottebohm case and reviews on the principle of effective nationalityIn the Nottebohm case
作者 admin
机构地区 不详
出处 《未知》 未知
出版日期 2009年08月11日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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