Unit7  Will people have robots?  SectionB (2a-2e)

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Unit7  Will people have robots?  SectionB (2a-2e)


山西省吕梁市第五中学 033000


(一)Analysis of the Teaching Material.

本课内容选自人教版(Go for it!)八年级上册Unit7 Will people have robots?的SectionB(2a-2e)部分,本课是以机器人为话题的阅读课,通过设置读前(Pre-reading)、读中(While- reading)、读后拓展活动(Post-reading),让学生从机器人的发展历程开始,由浅到深,再到对人类生活产生的重大影响,关注语言的应用,引导学生关注生活,从而培养学生仰望星空,脚踏实地的意识。

Analysis ofstudents.


三)Analysis of Teaching Objectives.

一、Language ability

1.能在听读活动中理解重点单词和短语: over and over again , hundreds of ,  servants, get bored 等,并能在口语和写作练习中正确发音和运用;能就话题 Will people have robots ?表达自己的观点;能正确运用 Will , there will be 来预测未来。



Learning ability

1.能借助略读来获取文章大意和段落大意;用思维导图理解文章结构并复述;用寻读获取关于 robots 的过去,现在,未来的信息;能分辨不同人物关于 robots 的预测并发表自己的观点。


三、Thinking quality


四、Cultural awareness


(四)Teaching key and difficult points.



Teaching methods:情景体验式教学、启发式教学、游戏教学法.

Teaching procedures.

Step 1Lead-in.

T: Good morning ,my class! How are you today? Before our study ,Let’s watch a video clip from the movie The Big Hero and talk about what this movie is about .

T:What do you think this video is about ?

Ss: It’s about robots and the future.


Step 2 Pre-reading.

T: Now let’s turn to page 53, and before our reading, Let’s discuss  what you know about robots with your partner. For example: What do robots look like and what can robots do?

  1. What do robots look like?

S1: It looks like a box.

S2:It has eyes, arms and legs.

  1. What can robots do?

S1:They can walk, talk and dance.

S2: They can help do the housework.

S3: They can help children learn.

T:Great! They can do lots of things. So What else do you know about robots?

Ss: They can work and do some easy jobs.

T: OK, based on our knowledge, we give some information about robots. Now Let’s read the passage to know more about robots.

设计意图:完成2a任务单,通过抛出问题, 机器人看起来像什么和他们能做什么,鼓励学生说出对robots的认知。同时,让学生带着问题进入文章阅读环节,激发学生阅读的兴趣,进一步活动课堂气氛。

Step 3 While-reading.


T: My class, I’ll give you 5 minutes to read the article quickly, then match each paragraph with the main idea, are you ready? Now begin. So time is up. Let’s check the answers. Who wants to try?

S1: para1: What are robots like in movies?

S2: para2: What can robots do today?

S3: para3: What will robots be like in the future?

S4:para4: Will robots think like humans in the future?

T: Perfect! We already know the meaning of each paragraph. The article is mainly talking about presentation of robots and some predictions about robots.




2.Detailed reading:

a. T: First , Read the paragraph1 and answer the following questions:

(1)What are robots like?

S: The robots are like human servants

(2)What can they do in movies?

S:They help with the housework

(3)Where do they work?

S: Theywork in dirty or dangerous places.


b. T: Robots make our life more convenient. Let’s continue reading paragraph 2 , then find out What robots do in factories and why they can do these jobs. Tom and Linda, can you answer them?

    Tom: They can help to build cars and do simple jobs

Linda: Because robots will never get bored.

T: You are correct!

  1. T: Now, boys and girls, please read para.3 and complete the mind map, you should pay attention to the arguments, examples and numbers.

T: Shape: make robot look like humans

Ability: make robots do the same things as people. They can walk and dance.

T: There are some arguments about whether the robots will look like humans and do the same things like us .

Let’s summarize:

① Some scientists disagree ( James White)


② Many scientists agree. (in 25 to 50 years)

设计意图: 思维导图是一种更为直观和清晰的学习方式,根据思维导图,学生可以在小组中组织语言,通过充分准备后积极发言,一方面利用已有知识组织表达,锻炼了思维和表达能力,提升对英语学习的认同感。

  1. Then do you think if there will be more robots in the future,read

Para.4 and discuss in groups (4人一组),and answer the questions:

  1. What shapes robots will look like in the future?

S1:Some will look like humans, others might look like animals.

  1. What will the snake robots do?

S2: They can help to search the people under the buildings.

  1. Do you think there will be more robots in the future?


S1:I think it will be possible ,because the technology develops


S2: I think it will be impossible, because it still spend lots of time, money and other aspects…

T: Through our discussion, we realize nothing is impossible. We never know what will happen in the future!

设计意图: 小组讨论是比较常见的一种课堂学习方式,学生在合作中,交流与碰撞意见,优化最佳答案,同时也使得学生在问题中思考,认识不足,扬长避短,高效学习。

Step4: Post-reading.

T: We should try to retell the passage according to the thinking map and finish 2c and 2d in page 54.

设计意图: 从整体上把握文章,结合自己的语言将文章连贯的复述出来,培养了学生的概括能力和语言表达能力。


T: Now my class , please close your book and try to finish the chart.

Be  like

         Can  do

In the movies




They can help do the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.

In  factories




They can help to build cars and do easy jobs repeatedly.

In  Japan



They can walk and dance.

In  India



They can look for people under the buildings.


1.Must do: Have a debate and discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of robots with your group members.

2.Try to do : Write your views about whether we should have our own robots.

设计意图: 分层设计,从说到写,学生可以利用课前准备的材料展开讨论,发挥想象,从中明白科学是无限发展的,人类历史是不断进步的,引导学生思考科技带来的利与弊树立全面发展和终身发展理念。

(九)Teaching Reflection:

1. 在开头导入的时候,通过视频导入,创设真实情景,引导学生将生活与英语相结合,知识来源于生活,体现生活,服务于生活,培养学生学习之用的意识。





  1. 不足之处:学生参与度不够广,没有养成按照文章意群阅读

