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22 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractUpper respiratory tract samples are the most commonly used samples for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) diagnosis. The samples collected from the nasopharynx are preferred for viral nucleic acids detection. Commercial nasopharyngeal swabs (NPSs) are the major factor that influences the sampling quality. We here evaluated the acceptability and efficiency of NPSs from five manufacturers by examining the concentration of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (GAPDH) retrieved from the swabs using the RT-PCR method. Significant different concentrations of GAPDH were detected, ranged from 4.36 × 108 copies/mL to 6.98 × 1010 copies/mL among the five swabs (P < 0.05). The designation of the swab head, with or without tip expansion, had limited influence on the collection efficiency. The discrepancy among the NPSs emphasized the improvement of the swab head material.

  • 标签: Nasopharyngeal swabs Nucleic acids Efficiency Designation
  • 简介:Nasopharyngealcarcinoma(NPC)isacommonheadandneckmalignancy.TheincidenceofNPCishigherinSouthernChinaandSoutheastAsiacomparedwithWesterncountries.Givenitshighradiosensitivity,thestandardtreatmentforNPCisradiotherapy.However,radioresistanceremainsaseriousobstacletosuccessfultreatment.Radioresistancecancauselocalrecurrenceanddistantmetastasesinsomepatientsaftertreatmentbyradiation.Thus,specialemphasishasbeengiventothediscoveryofeffectiveradiosensitizers.Thisreviewaimstodiscussthebiomarkers,classifiedaccordingtothemainmechanismsofradiosensitization,whichcanenhancethesensitivityofNPCcellstoionizingradiation.

  • 标签: 鼻咽癌细胞 放射敏感性 生物标志物 放射增敏剂 抗辐射性 恶性肿瘤

  • 标签: NPC ER PR RECEPTOR Immunohistochemistry.
  • 简介:AbstractWe describe the case of a nine-month-old patient with a nasopharyngeal choristoma. The case presented includes the retrospective review of the historical, radiological, surgical and histological assessment of this pathology as well as a literature review of this entity. This case was presented in an infant with difficulty feeding, nasal obstruction and failure to thrive, evaluated with flexible nasal endoscopy, CT and MRI. The lesion was then surgically removed without complications. Nasopharyngeal choristoma is a rare congenital non-malignant mass, which may present within a range of symptoms and severity according to its size, growth and location.

  • 标签: Choristoma Neuroglial heterotopy Nasopharynx
  • 简介:ThetranswellchambermigrationassayandCCDdigitalcameraimagingtechniqueswereusedtoinvestigatetherelationshipbetweenregulatoryvolumedecrease(RVD)andcellmigrationinnasopharyngealcarcinomacells(CNE-2Zcells).Bothmigratedandnon-migratedCNE-2Zcells,whenswollenby47%hypotonicsolution,exhibitedRVDwhichwasinhibitedbyextracellularapplicationofchloridechannelblockersadenosine5'-triphosphate(ATP),5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoicacid(NPPB)andtamoxifen.However,RVDrateinmigratedCNE-2Zcellswasbiggerthanthatofnon-migratedcellsandthesensitivityofmigratedcellstoNPPBandtamoxifenwashigherthanthatofnonmigratedcells.ATP,NPPBandtamoxifenalsoinhibitedmigrationofCNE-2Zcells.TheinhibitionofmigrationwaspositivelycorrelatedtotheblockageofRVD,withacorrelationcoefficient(r)=0.99,suggestingafunctionalrelationshipbetweenRVDandcellmigration.WeconcludethatRVDisinvolvedincellmigrationandRVDmayplayanimportantroleinmigratoryprocessinCNE-2Zcells.

  • 标签: 鼻咽癌 肿瘤细胞 氯化物通道阻断剂 细胞容积 细胞迁移
  • 作者: Fong Raymond Ward Elizabeth C. Rumbach Anna F.
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《世界耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志英文版》 2020年第01期
  • 机构:The University of Queensland, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Division of Speech Therapy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China,The University of Queensland, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Centre of Functioning and Health Research, Metro South Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia,The University of Queensland, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) has distinct characteristics regarding its global prevalence, initial presentation, management and patient outcomes compared to other subtypes of head and neck cancer (HNC). The mainstay of NPC treatment is chemo-radiation (C/RT) and while dysphagia is a known early and late toxicity of C/RT treatment, the nature of dysphagia post NPC treatment has had limited investigation. The objective of this review is to summarise the existing evidence regarding dysphagia following NPC to inform the future research agenda for this population. Dysphagia incidence, characteristic deficits observed across the phases of swallowing, efficacy of current dysphagia interventions, and effect on quality of life will be explored.Data sources:Databases including MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Scopus and Web of Science were included.Methods:A scoping review was conducted according to PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Two independent reviewers screened selected full text articles.Results:Of the initial 2495 articles found, 28 articles were included. Reports of penetration and aspiration varied widely (0%-91.6%), with high rates of silent aspiration identified in 2 studies (42%, 66%). Oral, pharyngeal and upper esophageal phase impairments were reported. Of these, upper esophageal stasis and multiple pharyngeal stage deficits were most prevalent. The pharyngeal constrictors were found to have a significant dose-effect relationship and shielding to the anterior neck field was effective to preserve swallowing function. Six treatment studies were identified with limited evidence supporting the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation, dilatation and swallowing exercises. Quality of life was adversely affected.Conclusions:Dysphagia is a prevalent early and late problem post NPC treatment, with impairments across all phases of the swallow. Studies on preventing dysphagia and treatment efficacy remain limited. More systematic study of the nature of dysphagia and the efficacy of treatment in this population is warranted.

  • 标签: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Swallowing Dysphagia Deglutition Scoping review
  • 简介:Inordertostudythemechanismoftheeffectofheparinonapoptosisincarcinomacells,thenasopharyngealcarcinomacelllineCNE2wasusedtoidentifytheeffectofheparinonapoptosisassociatedwiththeexpressionofc-myc,bax,bcl-2proteinsbyuseofHoechst33258staining,terminaldeoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediateddUTPnick-endlabeling(TUNEL),agarosegelelectrophoresis,andflowcytometry,aswellasWesternblotanalysis.TheresultsshowedthatheparininducedapoptosisofCNE2cellsincludingthemorphologicchangessuchasreductioninthevolume,andthenuclearchromatincondensation,aswellasthe“ladderpattern”revealedbyagarosegelelectrophoresisofDNAinaconcentration-dependentmanner.ThenumberofTUNEL-positivecellswasdramaticallyincreasedto33.6±1.2%from2.8±0.3%bytreatmentwithheparinindifferentconcentrations(10~40kU/L).Theapoptoticindexwasincreasedto32.5%from3.5%bydetectingSubG1peaksonflowcytometry.Westernblotanalysisshowedthatlevelsofbcl-2,baxandc-mycweresignificantlyoverexpressedbytreatmentwiththeincreaseofheparinconcentrations.TheseresultssuggestthatheparininducesapoptosisofCNE2cells,whichmayberegulatedbydifferentialexpressionofapoptosis-relatedgenes.

  • 标签: 肝素 凋亡 咽鼓管癌 CNE2细胞
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) are tumors arising from epithelium of the nasopharynx. The 5-year survival rate of primary NPC is 80% with significant risks of recurrence. The objective here is to provide an evidence-based systemic review of the diagnostic value of different modalities in detecting local, regional, and distal recurrent NPC, as well as the associated costs with these modalities.Methods:MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane review database were queried. Two hundred and twenty-three abstracts were generated using the inclusion criteria: patients >18 years of age; histopathological reference standard; and modalities pertaining to imaging or microbiology.Results:Twenty-four manuscripts fulfilled the inclusion criteria and 5 surveillance tools identified: endoscopy, MR, FDG-PET, Tc-99m MIBI and 201TI SPECT, and EBV DNA.Conclusions:For local surveillance, endoscopy is the gold standard recommendation, with increased efficacy if Narrow Band Imaging or contact endoscopy are utilized. MRI and FDG-PET is also recommended to help with local to distal spread; however, Tc-99m MIBI and 201TI SPECT are options as well. EBV DNA is recommended as a cheap and accessible adjunct surveillance tool if an available as an option.

  • 标签: EBV DNA FDG-PET Imaging MR Endoscopy Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  • 简介:TheaimofthepresentstudywastodeterminetheefficacyofimmunotherapywithdendriticcellstoelicitEBV-specificCTL-immunityinadvancedcasesofEBV-positivepatientswithnasopharyngealcarcinoma(NPC)andtodeterminethesafetyandtoxicityofthispreparation.NinecasesofhistologicallyconfirmedpatientswithNPCundergoingtreatmentwithradiologicaltherapywereenrolledinthisstudy.Dendriticcells,generatedinvitrofrombloodmonocytesofpatientswereculturedandmaturedwithcytokinesandtheninfectedwithrecombinantadenovirusvaccinecontainingEBV-latentmembraneprotein-2(Ad-LMP2).On9days'cultivationofcells,thematuredDCswereharvested,irradiatedwithCoandtheninjectedintradermallytopatientswithNPC.Theinjectionswereperformed3timestotally.Afterimmunization,theCTLresponseswereassayedbymeansofcytotoxicityandepitope-specificIFN-γproduction.Theresultsofthistrialshowedthatallpatientscouldtoleratethiskindoftreatmentwithoutanysideeffect,duringwhichmarkedincreaseofLMP2-specificCTL-responsescouldbedemonstratedin5patientsofthisgroup.AndthelevelofIgA/VCAantibodydecreasedin8of9patients,thusaccountingforabetterprognosisforthesepatients.Allpatientswillbefollowedupforanotheroneyear.Atleast,thepresentworkshowsthatintradermalvaccinationwithautologousDCsinfectedwithrecombinantAd-LMP2adenovirusisasafeprocedureinNPCpatients,inwhichthisprocedurecanenhancetheLMP2-specificCTLresponsesinpatients.Thesedataareencouragingtodevelopmoreeffectivevaccinestrategiesforthetreatmentofnasopharyngealcarcinoma.

  • 标签: 细胞毒素 T淋巴细胞 免疫疗法 鼻咽癌
  • 简介:AbstractMaternal urogenital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection may place neonates at risk of HPV acquisition and subsequently lower respiratory infections as HPV can influence development of immunity. The respiratory HPV prevalence is not known in remote-dwelling Aboriginal infants, who are at high risk of respiratory infection and where the population prevalence of urogenital HPV in women is high. These data are necessary to inform HPV vaccination regimens. A retrospective analysis using PCR specific for HPV was performed on 64 stored nasopharyngeal swabs from remote-dwelling Aboriginal infants < 6 months of age, with and without hospitalised pneumonia. HPV DNA was not detected in any specimen. Despite the negative result, we cannot exclude a role for HPV in respiratory infections affecting infants in this population; however, our data do not support HPV as an important contributor to acute respiratory infection in remote-dwelling Aboriginal children.

  • 标签: Human papillomavirus Nasopharyngeal swabs Infants
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The classification criteria and staging groups for nasopharyngeal carcinoma described in the Union for International Cancer Control/American Joint Committee on Cancer (UICC/AJCC) staging system have been revised over time. This study assessed the proportion of patients whose staging and treatment strategy have changed due to revisions of the UICC/AJCC staging system over the past 10 years (ie, from the sixth edition to the eighth edition), to provide information for further refinement.Methods:We retrospectively reviewed 1901 patients with non-metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated in our cancer center between November 2009 and June 2012. The Akaike information criterion and Harrell concordance index were applied to evaluate the performance of the staging system.Results:In total, 25 (1.3%) of the 1901 patients who were staged as T2a according to the sixth edition system were downgraded to T1 in the eighth edition; 430 (22.6%) staged as N0 in the sixth edition were upgraded to N1 in the eighth edition; 106 (5.6%) staged as N1/2 in the sixth edition were upgraded to N3 in the eighth edition. In addition, 51 (2.7%) and 25 (1.3%) of the study population were upstaged from stage I to stage II and stage II to stage IVa, respectively; 10 (0.5%) was downgraded from stage II to stage I. The survival curves of adjacent N categories and staging groups defined by eighth classification system were well-separated. However, there was no significant difference in the locoregional failure-free survival (P = 0.730) and disease-free survival (P = 0.690) rates between the T2 and T3 categories in the eighth edition classification system.Conclusions:Modifications to the tumor-node-metastasis staging system over the past 10 years have resulted in N classification changes in numerous cases. Although the eighth edition tumor-node-metastasis staging system better predicts survival outcomes, the T classification could be simplified in future revisions.

  • 标签: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Tumor-node metastasis staging system Prognosis
  • 简介:Epstein-Barr病毒(EBV)编码了潜伏的膜蛋白质1(LMP1)被知道了在鼻咽的癌(NPC)在潜伏的感染期间有oncogenic性质。我们的研究在NPC集中了于LMP1的角色,并且证明LMP1触发表明小径的NF-B,AP-1和STAT。惊人地,LMP1被发现调停在c6月和JunB之间的新heterodimer的形成。另外,我们鉴别了JAK/STAT和PI-PLC-PKC激活通过upregulating由LMP1被触发JAK3的表示并且提高STAT的phosphorylation。这些发信号的串联的组成的激活解释LMP1的能力导致如此的一个多样的数组词法并且phenotypic在房间完成并且提供LMP1怎么可以导致房间转变,multihit在下游的戏在指向了基因的卓见一个必要角色。LMP1触发的所有发信号的串联最终导致房间周期的混乱:G1/S阶段的加速和G2/M阶段的拘捕。我们也发现LMP1导致了hTERT的表示并且支持了房间不减。重要地,由干涉物理细胞内部的信号transduction小径并且扰乱房间周期的前进,LMP1,重要oncoprotein由EBV编码了,被认为是在NPC的致病的一个关键调节的人。介入的LMP1发信号能是有希望的策略指向NPC的恶意的显型。

  • 标签: 鼻咽癌 病毒感染 治疗方法 免疫治疗
  • 简介:Twohundredcatesofnasopharyngealcarcinoma(NPC)admittedtothisdepartmentfromFeb.1985toMay.1988wereanalysedaccordingtotheCTscanningandclinicalfindingsoftheprimarylesionspriortoradiotherapy.TheresultsshowedthatinvolvementofparapharyngealspacewasverycommoninNPC,about80%(160/200cases);particularlyunilateralorbilateralretro-styloidspaces,about69.5%(139/200cases).ItwasproposedthatpatientswithNPChadahighIncidenceofipsilateralcervicalnodemetastasis.Contralateralcervicalnodemetastasiswasrare.ThedevelopmentofcervicalnodemetastastoinNPChastwomodes:oneIsdirectInfiltrationoftheretro-styloldspacebythelesion;theotherIsalongthenasopharyngeallymphaticrete.ThedataalsoshowedthatpatientswithNPCwhopresentedsymptomsofⅨ-Ⅲcranialnerveparalysesalwayshadipsilateralorbilateralretro-styloidspaceInfiltrations.

  • 标签: NASOPHARYNGEAL bilateral RETRO LYMPHATIC metastasis hundred
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The mortality rate among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has improved significantly with the advent of chemoradiotherapy strategies. However, distant metastasis remains problematic. Tumor-specific reactivity in cancer patients has been detected exclusively in CD39+ T cells, particularly in CD39+CD103+ T cells. Circulating cancer-specific T cells are important for protecting against metastasis. This study aimed to evaluate the predictive value of circulating CD39+CD8+ T cells for metastasis in patients with NPC.Methods:We performed a cross-sectional, longitudinal study of 55 patients with newly diagnosed NPC of stage III-IVa. All patients were initially treated with standard combined chemoradiotherapy. Blood samples were obtained from 24 patients before and at 1 month and 6 months after treatment. T cell expression of CD39 and CD103, together with the markers of T cell exhaustion programmed death-1 (PD-1)/T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3 (Tim-3) and markers of cell differentiation CD27/CC-chemokine receptor 7/CD45RA, was examined by flow cytometry. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test analysis was used to analyze the differences between two groups. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used for analysis of progression-free survival (PFS).Results:The expression of circulating CD39+CD8+ and CD39+CD103+ CD8+ T cells was significantly higher in patients without distant metastasis (CD39+CD8+: 6.52% [1.24%, 12.58%] vs. 2.41% [0.58%, 5.31%], Z=-2.073, P=0.038 and CD39+CD103+ CD8+: 0.72% [0.26%, 2.05%] vs. 0.26% [0.12%, 0.64%], Z=-2.313, P = 0.021). Most CD39+ T cells did not express PD-1 or Tim-3. Patients with high expression of CD39+CD103+CD8+ T cells had better PFS than patients with low expression (log rank value = 4.854, P = 0.028). CD39+CD8+ T cells were significantly elevated at 1-month post-treatment (10.02% [0.98%, 17.42%] vs. 5.91% [0.61%, 10.23%], Z = -2.943, P = 0.003). The percentage of advanced differentiated CD8+ T cells also increased at 1-month post-treatment compared with pre-treatment (33.10% [21.60%, 43.05%] vs. 21.00% [11.65%, 43.00%], Z =-2.155, P = 0.031). There was a significant correlation between elevated CD39+CD8+ T cells and increased effector memory T cells (intermediate stage: r = 0.469, P = 0.031; advanced stage: r = 0.508, P = 0.019).Conclusions:CD39+CD8+ circulating T cells have preserved effector function, contributing to an improved prognosis and a reduced risk of metastasis among NPC patients. These cells may thus be a useful predictive marker for a better prognosis in patients with NPC.

  • 标签: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma CD39 T cell Prognosis
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To evaluate the survival outcomes for a cohort of nasopharyngeal cancer with intracranial extension (ICE) treated with induction chemotherapy (ICT) followed by chemo-intensity-modulated radiotherapy (CTRT) at a tertiary cancer center.Methods:We retrospectively analyzed 45 patients with histologically proven, non-metastatic NPC with ICE treated at our institute between October 2008 and October 2016. Patients were classified as minor ICE or major ICE, based on the extent of ICE. All the patients received 2-3 cycles of a taxane-based ICT regimen followed by CTRT. Radiotherapy was delivered with "riskadapted" intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) technique in all patients.Results:After a median follow up of 45 months (range: 8-113 months), the estimated 5-year DFS, LRFS, DMFS, and OS of the entire cohort was 58%, 82%, 67% and 74% respectively. On multivariate analysis, histological subtype was an independent predictor of LRFS, and age was an independent predictor of DFS. The extent of ICE showed only a trend towards worse DFS (P= 0.06). None of the factors significantly predicted for DMFS or OS. Gender, N-stage, and response to ICT did not significantly affect any of the outcomes. Grade 2 or worse subcutaneous fibrosis was seen in 22% of patients and grade 2 or worse xerostomia was seen in 24% of patients at last follow up. Thirty-three percent of the patients developed clinical hypothyroidism at last follow up. None of the patients experienced any neurological or vascular complications.Conclusions:Taxane-based induction chemotherapy followed by chemo-intensity modulated radiotherapy resulted in excellent locoregional control and survival with acceptable toxicities in patients of nasopharyngeal cancer with intracranial extension. Distant metastasis continues to be the predominant problem in these patients.

  • 标签: Nasopharyngeal cancer Intracranial extension Clinical outcomes Induction chemotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy